
We have partnered with KimiKim so you can always access the best pricing and shipping available near you.
Please note: It’s not always possible for Distributors stock our entire supplement range. Please check KimiKim’s websites for availability and pricing. Feel free to contact them directly with any queries or to request your favourite products.
KimiKim Organics offers an incredible selection of the best natural and organic foods, certified organic produce, environmentally friendly body care, highest quality dietary supplements and even organic beverages. Anna Koldun, the owner, is an RCP (“The Root Cause Protocol”) mineral balance consultant working with customers to overcome various health challenges and personally teaching all of our friendly & knowledgeable staff. At KimiKim Organics, you will get exceptional and personalized service each and every time you shop!

Looking to become a Distributor?
Click here to check your eligibility and register for exclusive wholesale pricing (Active licenced health professionals only) .